
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Put energy into your life in the present

The best thing you can do when a flashback occurs is to note its appearance, calm and relax yourself, and then put your energy into doing what is important to you - living your life in the present. Below are some practical questions that can help diminish the influence of flashbacks by maintaining a focus on the present:

How am I different now from the person who was abused or assaulted?
How old am I now? Where do I live/work now?
What options do I have now that I didn’t have then?
Who can I ask for support and encouragement?
How do I like to spend my time?
Where do I want to put my energy now?

Note: If flashbacks persist in interrupting your life, it is worth locating a trained counsellor who will provide information, support and encouragement to you.


posted by [ d i e n k ] @ 6:40 AM   0 comments
Monday, August 22, 2011
How To Prepare Your Battle Plan

Your business should be planned like a well thought out battle. If you haven't got your plan in place you'll suffer casualties. You won't suffer loss of life, but you will suffer losses of money, time and missed opportunities!

Just as the well honed warrior prepares for all possible occurrences, you must be prepared to last through the slow times, and be just as prepared to capitalize on the times when it appears you can do no wrong.

The first step on your march to the flag is to decide who you are. In the immortal words of Shakespeare,

"In brief sir, study that which you most affect."

Know your strengths and know your weaknesses. You'll never be truly successful until you've first made an inventory of yourself. You can study all the How-To's and you may even make money, but to be truly be successful you must have your Why- To's in place.

Once you've decided who you are and listed your strengths and weaknesses, the next step is to determine how much money you have for your war chest.

Only use money you can afford to lose. As any professional trader or championship gambler will tell you, "Scared money never wins!"

Don't mortgage your house or max-out your credit cards because you've got the million dollar sure-fire winner. You'll be so busy worrying, you won't be able to think clearly.

Take money you won't miss and test-test-test. Your thinking will be much clearer and when your testing finally hits on a winning formula, you'll be ready to capitalize.

When you've got your winning formula, you should pyramid your profits to expand your business. A minimum of 50% of your profits should go back into your business in the first 6 months. If you're only been using money you can live comfortably without, you should place 100% back into marketing, you'll have plenty of time to enjoy your victory!

The final step in your battle plan is to keep a log book. Just as generals study battles from the past and chess players study strategies from the old masters, you must begin your own manual.

Don't rely on your memory!!

In your manual keep every advertising campaign you've waged. Be as detailed as possible. What worked and what hasn't. Key your ads to determine where your profits are coming from.

Test media used, actual ads and sales letters, etc. Sculpt your business. If your business is based on profits, the best way to insure profits is the same way you'd carve an elephant out of granite. "Remove everything that's not an elephant!"

This article is just to get you started. The only person who can guarantee your success is you.

In the immortal words of Ali,


Wishing You Success,
John Colanzi
posted by [ d i e n k ] @ 8:48 PM   0 comments
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Please save my angel.
SubhannAllah, ga bs ngomong apa2 lg :((
semua ku pasrahkan padamu.
posted by [ d i e n k ] @ 12:04 PM   0 comments
Saturday, January 23, 2010
My 1st story in 2010
Sudah lama ga update blog ini.
Entah saking sibuknya, lupa ato udh ga perduli. Yang pasti kali ini gw lagi berminat buat ngisi blog ini lagi setelah lihat archive log tanggal 8 April 2007. wahaha..

Ga terasa sudah hampir 3 tahun berlalu. selama itu juga gw menjalin hubungan serius dengan seorang wanita. dari blog sebelah http://penyihirlucu.blogspot.com

Ceritanya nih *curhat mode, perasaan gw lagi campur aduk. sedih, bingung, bt, stress, dan persaan2 ga enak lainnya campur aduk jd satu. hufff...

Hubungan yg selama ini gw bina selama hampir 3 tahun, bisa di bilang hari ini akan berakhir.
Entah satu ato beberapa sebab, salah satu alasannya dia ga yakin bisa berkomitmen serius dan dia memutuskan untuk vacum. *ah, alasan vacum cm bahasa pemanis aja selain break.

Gw kecewa banget, hubungan yang hampir gw jalin selama hampir 3 tahun berakhir dengan alasan itu. *jadi selama ini cuma pengen main2 !?#

Sebenarnya sebelum gw memutuskan buat mengawali hubungan gw udah pernah bilang, "Klo gw cuma mau hubungan ke arah yang serius, bukan cuma main2". tuh kan klo udah kaya gini kenapa dulu lo minta cinta dari gw? :((

ya, klo udah kaya gini cuma bikin sakit hati aja. huhuhu..
trakhir pun ngalamin sakit hati kaya gini ga cukup setahun buat ngilanginya.
Mungkin teman's ada yg tau obatnya?

Heartbreaker... Heartbreaker...
posted by [ d i e n k ] @ 5:02 AM   0 comments
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Run Run Run!

Tak terasa, waktu berjalan begitu cepat. huff..

Masih byk hal yang gw rencanakan dan blm terwujud hingga skrg ini.
Memang cukup byk perubahan yg terjadi, ada yg datang dan ada yg hilang.
Yang terpenting apa yg akan gw lakukan dan gw targetkan hrs lebih baik dr waktu² sebelumnya. and so, dengan tujuan apa yg gw lakukan hari ini musti lebih baik dari hari kemarin, gw harus berlari lebih cepat. huff.. Run Run Run!

Bagaimana cara agar apa yg gw targetkan bisa terwujud?
Ya mungkin di awali dengan membuat schedule atau kalau perlu membuat semacam catatan kecil tentang apa² saja yg gw musti lakukan hari ini. Mudah²an apa yg di targetkan hari ini berjalan dengan lancar dan target jangka panjang tdk terasa sudah ada di depan mata. hehe..

Siapa yg ga mau impiannya bisa terwujud. Mungkin salah satu impian gw memiliki hati dari salah satu pembaca tulisan gw ini. *frilrting mode* :D asal jgn mimpi ktemu kuntilanak aja, ahaha...

Let's make our dreams come true.

jangan sia²kan waktumu. Tetep bermimpi, terus berusaha, berdoa, semangat..

C ya..

posted by [ d i e n k ] @ 6:37 AM   0 comments
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Have a sweet dream

Apalah arti sebuah mimpi, karena mimpi itu hanya khayalan. Atau mungkin ada cerita yang mengatakan bahwa mimpi bisa menjadi kenyataan. siapa yang percaya? :D saya tidak.

Pagi ini sehabis makan sahur saya tidur, lalu bangun untuk shalat subuh. kemudian tidur lagi *dasar tukang tidur* :D

Sewaktu tidur saya bermimpi di datangi seseorang yg special. hehe..
wah senangnya, sampai² bangun kesiangan. padahal pagi itu sudah ada janji untuk test di Wisma BNI 46. tetapi mimpi itu pula yang membuat saya terbangun. Terima kasih sayang.. terima kasih telah membangunkanku.

apa jadinya kalau sampai bangun kesiangan,.. *malu euy* :D

walaupun kamu hanya ada dalam mimpi aku, dalam angan-anganku. kamu tetap wanita yang aku cinta saat ini dan seterusnya.
cinta bukan berarti harus memiliki, tetapi tentang bagaimana bisa membahagiakan orang yang kita cinta.
posted by [ d i e n k ] @ 7:38 AM   2 comments
Monday, October 03, 2005
Entah karena aku ini terlalu bodoh, atau karena aku ini ikhlas melakukannya.
Buat apa masih berbuat jujur, kalau masih tidak dipercaya?
Buat apa beramal baik, jika yang didapat hanya cacian?
Buat apa membahagiakan orang lain, jika yang didapat hanya sakit hati?

Entah karena aku ini terlalu bodoh, atau karena aku ini ikhlas melakukannya.
posted by [ d i e n k ] @ 7:19 AM   2 comments
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Name: [ d i e n k ]
Home: cinere - depok, jakarta, Indonesia
About Me: Yes, I am a criminal. My crime is that of curiosity.
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